
It’s certainly easier than keeping up with the Joneses. And much more interesting. Our team never stops thinking about how to elevate personal engagement and deepen human connection. To us, it’s personal – so we just have to share. Here’s where we proudly voice our industry opinions, original ideas, digital and social inspiration and cultural observations. Check back often to see what’s new and motivating.
3 Years of Creating Human Connections

3 Years of Creating Human Connections

3 years ago, we created MGME by combining three legacy companies, each with a rich history, culture, and team. We struggled to find our collective voice early on. It took time to...

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The Bridge Back: Mobile Marketing

The Bridge Back: Mobile Marketing

Hope The Meeting & Event industry is finally beginning to see a ray of hope. The past year tested the adaptability and ingenuity of every player: third-party agencies,...

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MGME Look Ahead: 2021

MGME Look Ahead: 2021

Hello 2021!  We are so excited for the new year.  I know that January 1 is an arbitrary point in time, but this year it truly felt like a fresh beginning.  We spent 2020 ensuring...

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